Great start to 2019 alongside the city’s Woodland Team.

Birmingham Trees for Life may be the organisers of all these lovely tree planting events across the City- but without the muscle of Birmingham City Council Woodland Team and the support of the Tree Officers we would not be able to plant the large numbers of trees that we do. This year we hope to reach our 80,000th!

Every planting event either requires the digging of tree pits or the mole ploughing of furrows for whips. Our trees need to be delivered to site and most importantly……our spades! No matter the weather we can rely on the lads of the Woodland Team to be ready when our planters (usually schools or volunteer groups) arrive on site.

We often forget how much we depend on them and their good will….so lets have a ‘shout out’ to the whole team !!

Today we were also assisted on site by two of the Tree Officers for the South of the City, who are frequently involved in decisions to remove trees- so especially enjoyed this opportunity to work alongside pupils from St Albans RC Primary and local Councillors to put some trees back !

Happy New Year to all our supporters!

We are now well in to 2019 and BTFL are about to continue their winter planting events!

This year our opening event is somewhere other than a park…….a cemetery ! On the 15th you will find us with pupils from St Albans RC Primary School replacing trees in Brandwood End Cemetery.

Next we travel to Allens Cross Recreation Ground, then on Saturday the 19th we join the Friends and families in Kings Heath Park. 

January 29th- Adderley Park

January 30th – Batchelors Farm Park

January 31st-Glebe Farm Park